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Monday, August 3, 2009

Sarah's 3rd birthday

In an effort to find things to do over summer vacation (which is almost over!!!), we celebrated our cat Sarah's 3rd birthday. This was her cake!

She was kind of afraid of it, with the fire and all, so I had to hold her still to sing to her.

All three cats enjoying "cake and ice cream", a really rare treat.

The kids having the REAL cake, apple cheesecake.

Sarah, the birthday girl.

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!


the evans four (at least for now) said...

That is so cute! I'm coming to you for ideas of random fun things to do with the boys when they get older.

Karine Jones said...

I am not as imaginative as you! What a fun idea to give your cat a birthday party! I bet the kids had a blast with it.

Brigette-boo said...

This is awesome, add this to the list of reasons I thing you are an amazing person...