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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Pattys Day

As far as holidays go, St Patrick's Day is as far from a real one as possible. There is no point! But I still by cute green shirts every year and make the kids wear them. (And I wear one too!) So here they are, adorable as usual.

It's amazing how happy they can look at 8 am

We were singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to make him smile. But he looked at Grace instead.
Grace trying to be sweet

Emma with only a little attitude


Tiffany A. said...

Very cute picturs! I love the one of Seth! And I love your flowers in the background! I wish I had flowers in my yard.

Karine Jones said...

Oh I miss my African daisies that I had on Main Street! They looked just like those. They are so pretty. Oh, and I suppose the kids are pretty cute too by the way!!! I like getting into the St. Patricks Day holiday too-just because it's something different to do. I even made corned-beef and cabbage, but no one really liked it except for Justin! Poor Justin had to eat it all! Maybe if I wasn't pregnant, I'd like it better!

Brigette-boo said...

they are so cute, I love your kids!