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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Seth's mobility

Seth has become a climber lately! The couch, the fireplace...Today I walked into the kitchen and found him...in the dishwasher. At least it was clean!!!


Karine Jones said...

I think both of my kids have sat on the dishwasher door! Good thing they don't weigh that much yet huh?

Tiffany A. said...

Very cute picture! Ava loves the dishwasher too...I have to load/unload it when she is not around because I can't keep her off of it or out of it.

michelle said...

that is just hilarious. I love it.

The Chattertons said...

That is the best. I love how you caught him in the act of licking the spoon.

Brigette-boo said...

He is to cute! I love that picture